123: Is the Microbiome Psychedelic?

In A Perfect World show

Summary: Experiential journalist Rak Razam chats with Caitlin Thompson, the Aware Project San Diego liaison and founder of EntheoZen.com and a wellness spokesperson about psychedelics as a novel approach to immune conditions. What is the microbiology of the nervous system and how do neurotransmitters send information? Caitlin shares her own journey to wellness and her understanding of the science of psychedelics and how it relates to our own health and wellbeing. Clinical psychedelic research focuses on EEG, MRI and the mind, but what role do tryptamines play in the endogenous consciousness of the mind, body and soul? Do tryptamines like n,n,DMT and 5-MeO-DMT act as psychedelic immunomodulators? Are auto-immune conditions where the body attacks itself a metaphor for the way humans are poisoning the earth? Are humans just a rogue microorganism in the Gaian biome? Science says we have three brains: stomach gut brain/ heart brain with neuronal cells and the mind/ brain. Do our microbiomes have a representation on the astral/energetic level that can be revealed by tryptamines? Does the micro biome receive the broadcast consciousness signal of Source that the ego of the brain filters out? Is the microbiome essentially psychedelic and also affected by our ingestion of psychedelics? And how does this relate to the Amazonian shamanic perspective? Find more about Caitlin at: www.EntheoZen.com and the Aware project San Diego: https://www.meetup.com/Aware-Project-Rethinking-Psychedelics-San-Diego This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 Unported License.