124: Darkness Shining Brightly

In A Perfect World show

Summary: YOU can now support this podcast via BitCoin:1DqzQqRuYwApTyA6n3q6ff6hPwbfhmTHmy or via Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/rakrazam Do we over intellectualise as a protection mechanism keeping us from being fully embodied? Do our minds negate our hearts as a malware coping mechanism for the modern world? How can we feel safe?Experiential journalist Rak Razam chats with Natasha English, a Nondual / Transpersonal Point Therapist about trauma, PTSD, entheogenic healing and ‘spiritual bypassing’ or the masking of our wounds with spirituality. Can entheogens open up our armoring and reveal our full potential–and what are the dangers? Natasha herself experienced a terrifying 5-MeO-DMT experience that took her to the hell realms and from that primal wounding she has found the courage to shine in her fullness and listen to her heart. Find more of her work and writings at: https://freefallintoreality.com/clear-pointing/ and http://www.thepointprocess.com . This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 Unported License.