Travel Battle Review – Wargaming Recon #210

Podcasts – Wargaming Recon show

Summary: This thrilling episode the lads review Travel Battle from the Perry Brothers. We all know that Jonathan hates painting, so being the scale it is, is this the right fit for johnny boy? Problems Does not clearly say how to choose d6 rolling winner for placing 1st brigade. Presuming it is highest roll because it says that for going first.  But, not 100% positive. This is a bit nit picky. The terrain has issues, built up areas only give +1 dice when defending to infantry, but attacking cavalry get +1 dice against infantry in built up areas. That doesn’t make a lot of sense.  Cavalry should do worse against built up areas. The rules are a tad muddy when dealing with artillery shooting at a target if there’s a hill in between that is the same height as the artillery. In one part the rules say “Artillery needs to be able to see half or more of a target i.e. without hills/buildings or any other intervening units in the way to be able to fire. “In another part the rules say “artillery can fire overhead of a any intervening unit if either gun or target are on a hill unless “there is a higher hill in the way. If artillery is on a level 1 hill shooting at a target with a level 1 hill in between, can the artillery shoot at that target?  The rules don’t say. The FAQ, Doesn’t answer all questions.  Can be found at No declaration of what is the desired dice roll result for going first or placing a brigade first. QUESTIONS In a fight if an attacker rolls a 5 and the defender rolls a 5, the rules say the fight continues.  If a second unit attacks the same defender with attacker rolling a 5 and defender rolling a 3, which result takes precedence? If defending artillery loses a combat to a heavy cavalry unit (attacker rolls a 3, defending artillery a 2) does it push back one square if the square behind it is a wood?  What happens? When do you test for command radius?  Do all units in a brigade need to be touching at the start of the turn or is it at any point during the movement phase? Can Brigadiers block line of sight of artillery since they’re listed as a unit in the rules (see Assembly section)? Does a unit suffering push back or retreat (losing combat by a 1 or a 2) have to be directly towards its own board edge? Announcements   Wargaming Recon Facebook Group A place for listeners to hang out, chat about the hobby and the show. We have seen some great discussions lately. Some members have shared pics of minis they’re painting and had a lively discussion about wet palettes. Want to thank Enfilade & NHMGS for making it possible for us to back a wet palette Kickstarter. We will do a big Wet Palette episode in 2017 because of their support.   ITUNES REVIEW 5 star review titled “Top Notch” from landencelano of the Grunt Work Podcast” Really impressed with the quality of the content and how enjoyable it was even being semi-unfamiliar with the topic. Unique perspective. Can’t wait to consume all there is to listen to. ” Do You Like Wargaming Recon, then Review the show If you like what you hear please consider reviewing us on iTunes & Stitcher Radio. iTunes and Stitcher Radio are some of the most popular ways for listeners to find podcasts. Why not help a potential new listener find our show and help grow the hobby? Recent Reviews WARGAMING RECON ARMY aka Patreon Wargaming Recon Army members get newest episodes FIRST Don’t want to wait? Support Wargaming Recon through Patreon. It costs as little as $1 per per month. That is less than a cup of coffee. You’ll get episodes before non-members AND you’ll get exclusive content. Big changes are here for 2018. Thank you to the members! Reminders We suggest Mobile Users listen to the show using Pocket Casts ($3.99 for iOS, Lite version is FREE). $3.99 for Android users. Read the Episode Guide for sneak peeks at future episodes. Next Episode is 211 relea[...]