LOTSL 268 Lava is the Zombie of Natural Disasters!

lotsl show

Summary: The LOTSL Gang get’s the show off to a start by describing what was shitty about their week. Peter couldn’t sleep; Brenda Hulks-Out and breaks a pager at work… erm... deliberately. Brenda explains why she has departed social media and how she doesn’t miss it.  Twitter management skills?  Brenda absconds with Ressussa-Annie’s head! Online conversations: Toppie does not appreciate being told to… “Google it…”! Social media campaigns that urge us to celebrate our so-called flaws. LOTSL discusses the spectacle and tragedy of the amazing lava flows in Hawaii!  Finally, Brenda quizzes the LOTSL gang on a glossary of special and foreign terms from the 1950 edition of the Betty Crocker cook book. For example: What is the definition of “A La King?” How about “Bouillabaisse?” And what do you think a “demitasse” means? Call us at 949-41-LOTSL (949-415-6875) Write us at Lifeontheshitlist@gmail.com