LOTSL 270 He’s Like A Bag of Butterscotch Pudding Slow

lotsl show

Summary: Jay the Haunt Cub has recently returned from the Gay Days  at Disney World, so the little shoe starts out with the LOTSL cast discussing their Disney World and Disney Land experiences. Brenda Boo gives a cat update!  LOTSL cat owners compare notes. Brenda Boo brings up David Sedaris and his new audio book, “Calypso.” A long discussion of Sedaris the author and the Sedaris family ensues. LOTSL RATES YOUR DESK TIDINESS!!  A VALUED LISTENER responds to a past episode of LOTSL where the gang described their desk and how they kept it.  In response, our VALUED LISTENER sends in a picture of his own desk.  The LOTSL gang leaps at the opportunity to describe and deconstruct OUR VALUED LISTENER'S desk and hilarity results! CONSPIRACY THEORIES: LOTSL responds to an email from George In Atlanta, who wants to know if the Shit-Listers subscribe to any of the many CONSPIRACY THEORIES that abound in our nation’s consciousness.  A lengthy discussion follows as we go back and forth from the ridiculous to the sublime and back again, especially about 9/11. ThatPeterG openly discusses what it is like taking the drugs now known as PREP, which prophylactically prevents the transmission of HIV. Brenda asks, what do drug companies who make a lot of money with their life saving drugs, owe the public?  What are their moral obligations? Truvada for example. Jay asks: What Are We Watching?  Peter is watching Lost In Space; Toppie and Brenda are watching true crime documentaries; and Jay is watching Anime. Finally, Jay has a very personal story about his life.