Touhou Tuesday 2013-01-29: 3LMFAO

Touhou Tuesday (Inactive) – KNGI Network show

Summary: BEHOLD! The wonders of software mixing! Fortunately I was able to cut most of that noisy stuff out in post. BIG ANNOUNCEMENT: LEO'S BOOK IS OUT! BUY IT HERE. If I did not convince you during the show, perhaps these images of Reisen enjoying the book will convince you. I also attempt to crowdsource ideas for a Touhou Tuesday t-shirt, and end the show on a tale of greed, deception, and M&amp;Ms! If you have any ideas please email us,! BGM today provided by Jon Baker's Toejam and Earl 2 soundtrack. Read on for the playlist.<br> spctrm - otogi<br> Bakeneko/NekoMusume - Wind God Girl<br> <br> Pyn - Freeze World -LNB2 Remix-<br> <br> 3L - LiveActors<br> <br> 桃箱 - to be emotional~今だけのナイショ話~<br> <br> DJ Command/Vo. maria♂polo - Dirty Sexy Girl<br> <br> Bizen - アルティメットトゥルース<br> <br> 佐宗 綾子 - 有頂天変 ~ Wonderful Heaven<br> <br> Coro - Where I Belong<br> <br> ARA - Drill Girl [ぐるぐるどかーん]<br> <br> パプリカ - 不安の種<br> <br> かめりあ/Vo. 愛原佑季&愛原千尋(神波千尋 ) - NYANYOSHI<br> <br> 小峠 舞 - Conjure<br> <br> 平茸×やよいちゃん / Vo.うたしま - drip+drop<br> <br> 創 無頼人 - 歳月アパートメント<br> <br> Shrimp\Meramipop - ユビキリ<br> <br> Natsuko Ohmachi - 幻想のエデン<br> <br> Kyoutansu - Peace is threatened<br> <br> 狐夢想 - インモラル<br> <br> 東京アクティブNEETs - 伍、【壱幕 禁后の三段目】<br> <br> 水橋ゆっきー - 青色の傘<br> <br> TAM - Casket of Star<br> <br> irony - Good-bye L:world<br> <br> Coro feat. らっぷびと - フラワリングナイト feat. らっぷびと<br> <br> ぼいど / 夕野ヨシミ / 3L - Miracle∞Hinacle<br> <br>