Peter Wallace: Let's Dance

Day1 Weekly Radio Broadcast - Day1 Feeds show

Summary:   I have a confession: I've got no rhythm. When it comes to dancing, I have the proverbial two left feet. A few years ago, Time magazine reported that scientists had confirmed that this is an actual condition. I quote: "A 23-year-old man named Mathieu has been identified as the first documented case of beat deafness, meaning he cannot feel or move to music's beat. Mathieu moves to music at a pace unrelated to its actual rhythm." The story says he's not tone deaf, he can sing in tune and recognize familiar songs. Scientists think with further study, "beat deafness" may join "tone deafness" as a music-specific disorder. It could also explain the phenomenon known as "dad dancing." Well, I may not have beat deafness, but for me, way back when, those junior high mixers, the high school prom--they were sheer torture. I did best at slow dances where you just hold on and try to move together in a circle, though it made me a little dizzy. With faster songs I just tried to move my feet and arms in some kind of animated way, but I'm sure I looked like Elaine on Seinfeld--do you remember that episode where she dances to great ridicule from her friends? Yeah, that way. Thankfully, I'm no longer required to attend dances like that. But I do admire those who are able to move so gracefully--whether because of their training at the Bolshoi Ballet, or on the Broadway stage, or at Arthur Murray's Dance Studio. And yes, there are times when I want to move to the rhythm of God's Spirit. Sometimes I just want to let loose and dance before God.