Ontario Morning Podcast - Thursday July 12, 2018

Ontario Morning from CBC Radio show

Summary: Laural Adams of the Dairy Farmers of Ontario talks about how the efforts of Bettina and Henk Schuurmans were appreciated by their colleagues following the tragic accident on their cross-Canada tractor trip; Rad Simonpillai gives us a preview of what we might expect at the Emmy Award nominations later today; Mayor of Prince Edward County, Robert Quaiff, is celebrating the province's decision to cancel the White Pines wind turbine project; Dr. Dirk Huyer, the Chief Coroner for Ontario talks about what criteria they use to attribute a death to extreme heat; Ryan Gibson of the University of Guelph discusses how smaller centres are adapting as part of our series, 'Transformation'; Family doctor Peter Lin warns about drinking too much fruit juice; Why Wolfe Island will have only one paramedic; 'Crow Hill: The Telephone Play' at 4th Line Theatre