Cisco Kid – The Hondo Boys. 530723.

Retro Radio Podcast show

Summary: It’s time for the Robin Hood of the old West, the Cisco Kid and his sidekick Pancho. Ben and Smoky are the Hondo boys, a pair of brothers who terrorize the West. They ride through town, shooting out the lights, and through the windows of homes. Even the sheriff and deputy baracade their office. <br> Elsewhere on the range, Cisco and Pancho tuck themselves in for a quiet peaceful night’s rest. Good luck, just then the sheriff’s son rides up to report that his dad has been gunned down, and now the Honcho boys are after him. The chivalrous Cisco beats them up, and chases them away. State troopers have been sent for to keep the peace, and deal with the outlaws, but will they arrive in time? Where did Jerry Newsome, the sheriff’s on ride off to? <br> Cisco is worried that the boy is trying to take the law into his own hands. It may be the least of his troubles when the Hondo brothers and their whole gang are out for revenge, both on the sheriff’s family and on Cisco. Our heros ride right into a trap and are captured, but when gunshots break the night air, it’s not a posse, but the gang run away in fear anyway. <br> Stand by for the action as the bad guys capture Jerry, are chased by Cisco, and go after grandpa Newsome. Where, o where are those troopers? With all the chasing and gunshooting, it’s hard to keep things straight without a scorecard. <br>