Boston Blackie – The Case Of The Three Way Split. 450723

Retro Radio Podcast show

Summary: A letter arrives for Blackie from an old flame. Will the news make Mary jealous? Why is Ann asking for $5000? The story unfolds, and it sounds very familiar to me. I think a slightly different variation was done on Crime Club, but this story predates that one by at least a year. <br> A gangster dies in prison, Ann Martin’s husband, and 3 of his gang converge to figure out which of the others knew where the missing loot from their last heist is hidden. Word is that Harry told only one of the others. Blackie can’t prevent the murder of Ann, but can he figure out which of the remaining 3 gang members might know where the money is located? The understanding is that the killer is the one who knows where the money is. <br> At their hideout, Blackie confronts the gang, Esther, Bob, and Jack. Where were they at the time of the murder? ? Despite stories that seem to put each in the clear, Blackie thinks he knows who did it. Do you? Faraday has given Blackie a time limit to work under to claim the $5k for himself. Can he put the pressure on to make the killer squirm, and show their hand? Blackie may know who it is, but he still needs hard proof to take to the cops. <br> Will the gang break down and stab each other in the back? Maybe they’ll work together to share the loot, and gun Blackie down? Will Blackie fall prey to their trap? Stand by to learn about one last card that Blackie hasn’t played on the table yet that seals the fate of the killer, and the money. <br>