Vic and Sade – Razorscums Photograph Album. 400723.

Retro Radio Podcast show

Summary: Vic, Sade, and Rush get ready to spend the evening of looking at the Razorscums photo album. An activity that the menfolk don’t particularly enjoy. An activity that would equate to watching a slide show, or home movie of a friend, or relatives Summer vacation trip. Thrilling, and invoking good memories to the friend, but boring for others who didn’t live through it. <br> To make matters more boring, the Razorscums aren’t even coming over, but expect Sade to direct the viewing of the photos. As Vic and Rush tactfully try to avoid the ordeal, Sade does her best to build up their desire to enjoy the pictures. Sade has the album, and talks in great detail about the pictures, and the oblong heads of the Razorscum family, and other goofy relatives. <br> Other family gossip and skeletons emerge as Sade describes the pictures. Vic marvels at Sades memory of names as he and Rush joke about the photos. <br>