Marx Brothers Remakes – New York City Tour Guides. 920725

Retro Radio Podcast show

Summary: Miss Dimple has trouble in taking a phone call. The caller will be over to discuss a debt that is owed. To settle up, the man leaves Flywheel his car. When the car turns out to be a bus, Flywheel decides to put it to good use. <br> Flywheel and Revelli start a tour bus, and offer tours of New York. As Revelli drives, Flywheel gives the corny tour guide puns. <br> Time for the in tour entertainment. Hey where did Revelli get that piano from? He sings, Gorganzola. <br> The tour goes downhill, and Revelli has a hard time driving. The two end up in court, and have to deal with reckless driving charges. The prosecuting attorney sounds like someone doing a Jack Benny impersonation. Despite the jokes and puns, they get off. Mainly due to the testimony of Mr Meekfellow, a henpecked man who finally stands up to his wife. <br>