Back to the Bins # 259 - 2016 Horror Month, Week 5 - War of the Worlds with NEOZAZ

Back to the Bins show

Summary: It's Horror Month on Back to the Bins and War of the Worlds week on NEOZAZ, so let's combine the two! For the first time Internet Entertainment and the Two True Freaks Internet Radio Network co-produce this special episode of Back to the Bins! as Matt Hunsworth joins Paul, Dr. Bill and Scott to discuss the 1998 D.C. Comic Elseworlds book “Superman: War of the Worlds”. The year is 1938 are Martians are invading earth as Clark Kent arrives to Metropolis. Does this story meld these two classic and beloved properties, or this war of the worlds truly a unrelenting massacre? Listen and find out in this special NEOZAZ and Two True Freaks presentation of “Back to the Bins”!