Robert David Steele: False Flags

The Opperman Report show

Summary: Robert David Steele: False Flags The author, a former spy who managed a false flag for the CIA (no one died) provides a mix of original and previously posted material that aggregates in one place most of what any citizen needs to know about false flag attacks as a tool of state. The next false flag attack will probably be a fake pandemic that includes the locking down of major urban areas, and the imposition of a vaccination that weakens substantial portions of the public while killing off a significant number of Alt-Right activists. Our legitimately elected president Donald Trump will not -- unlike the Prime Minister of England -- be witting of the planned false flag, which is part of the four track strategy to destroy Donald Trump and turn the government over to Deep State stand-in Mike Pence. Included in this offering is the table of contents for the forthcoming #13 in the Trump Revolution series, Taking Down the Deep State: A Presidential Briefing. It is possible for We the People to take back the power in the next 120 days, particularly if Donald Trump, Rand Paul, and Tulsi Gabbard join Cynthia McKinney and I in mobilizing a national conversation in June and the occupation of the front lawns and home offices of every Member of Congress during the summer recess when they cannot hide from constituents. #UNRIG. The 2nd American Revolution has begun, but only each of you can -- in the aggregate, in Unity for Integrity -- finish the job. God Bless Donald Trump and God Bless America.