Geoffrey Giuliano: Author, Actor and Musicologist

The Opperman Report show

Summary: Geoffrey Giuliano: Author, Actor and Musicologist Ed interviews author and actor Geoffrey Giuliano. Geoffrey Giuliano (born September 11, 1953) is an American author, radio personality, and film actor, best known for his biographies of The Beatles members John Lennon, Paul McCartney, and George Harrison, and of musician Pete Townshend. He is also known for his involvement in the Mclibel case. A biography Giuliano wrote, Lennon In America (released in 2000), was controversial. Giuliano said the book was based in part on transcripts of Lennon's journal given to him by the singer Harry Nilsson. The book was issued after Nilsson's death, and several people close to Nilsson do not believe he ever had the transcripts in his possession. Washington Post reporter David Segal quoted Giuliano's response when he was asked to corroborate his claim that Nilsson gave him the diaries. "It's obvious that I'm going to do things in an ethical manner." Segal also reported the view of Steven Gutstein, a former New York assistant district attorney who was asked to read the diaries during an early 1980s larceny lawsuit against former Lennon personal assistant Fred Seaman. Gutstein described his own memory of the diaries as "a lot of philosophical musings combined with mundane details of everyday life."