Timothy Holmseth - Haleigh Cummings

The Opperman Report show

Summary: Timothy Holmseth - Haleigh Cummings just woke up and our back door was wide open and we can't find our daughter! The crackling recording of seventeen year-old Misty Croslin s voice is as chilling today as it was that February night in 2009 when five year-old HaLeigh Cummings vanished without a trace from her Satsuma, Florida home. With the child s father, Ronald Cummings, ranting and cussing in the background, the young teenager struggled to concentrate as she told the operator how she awoke to find HaLeigh gone from her bed; a brick holding open the house door. The harrowing 911 call was soon looping incessantly on national television as American's sat glued to their TV sets and waited for an answer to the question. 'What happened to HaLeigh Cummings?' As satellite trucks, law enforcement and search teams descended onto the small Florida town, the texture of the case soon began to change something wasn t right in this place. The investigation that ensued was strangely secretive and ultimately led to nothing amidst whispers of drug trafficking, police corruption, threats, intimidation, child prostitution, child pornography, white slavery, organized crime, rape and murder. In March of 2009, HaLeigh s family enlisted the services of a private investigator, attorney, national advocate and media team to assist them in their dilemma. A month later the family contacted Timothy Charles Holmseth, an investigative reporter from Minnesota. What Timothy Holmseth uncovered was so dark and disturbing it was supposed to remain hidden forever. Timothy notified authorities at the county and state level but received only hostile reactions. When he began to publish the information on his website he began receiving late night telephone calls, was threatened by Florida law enforcement, and received ominous communications that spoke of his possible death. In February, 2010, the FBI contacted Timothy and requested a meeting. He was asked for audio recordings of interviews he had conducted with attorneys, private investigators, law officers, witnesses, and family members of the missing child. In Re: HaLeigh Cummings is the book that answers the question; what happened to HaLeigh Cummings? You will hear the names. You will see the faces. You will read the quotes. You will learn the methods and the motives of the underground. You will understand. You will be frightened and sick with outrage. But you will finally know what happened to HaLeigh Cummings.