Know Your Rights Hour - December 04, 2013

The Vaccine Agenda - show

Summary: Join Dr. Mayer Eisenstein and Attorney Alan Phillips as they discuss the flaws in a recent New England Journal of Medicine article claiming that 100 million cases of infectious disease were prevented by vaccines over the past 75 years--and who funded the study; an insightful book titled "How to Lie With Statistics"; a listener's concerns about surgery patients being offered vaccines after surgery, before the anesthesia has worn off; how a state hospital's influenza mask policy changed 3 times in less than a week; how the EEOC ruled on a hospital mask policy dispute; Dr. Gary Null's recent video production, "Silent Epidemic, The Untold Story of Vaccines"; Dr. Eisenstein's cure for tuberculosis; a University of Kentucky study's finding regarding free radicals in the brain and Vitamin D levels; what the ideal way to optimize your Vitamin D levels is; Vitamin D's relationship to aging; how skin color affects Vitamin D production from sun exposure; and much more!