Anime Podcast of Some Sort: Neo Yokio: It Ain't That Deep

Anime Podcast of Some Sort show

Summary: The Big Story – Neo Yokio<br> So, Neo Yokio. The Netflix animated original starring Jaden Smith as Kaz Kaan, demon-hunting socialite and 2nd Most Eligible Bachelor. Now, we’re not saying Jack may have been dealing with food poisoning. And we’re not saying Djm had a migraine that lasted for nearly a week. And we’re not saying Neo Yokio had anything to do with those.  We’re just sayin’.<br> Jack, Djm and Kevo dive deeply into the series everyone is talking about and whether they hated or loved it. Is it an allegory for leftism? Is this a self-aware parody on the part of noted Twitter artist Jaden Smith? Did Neo Yokio come from tumblr-and-deviantart-fueled fever dream?  Do Desus &amp; Mero have a future in voice acting?<br> All this, and referendums, rants and special comments galore on the episode of Anime Podcast of Some Sort that soldiered on ’til the end. The bitter, bitter end.<br> Big thanks again to Kevo from Anime Maru for joining us!<br> <a href=""></a> – The BEST Source for Anime News, Notes &amp; Headlines<br> <a href="">Follow Kevo on Twitter</a><br> <a href="">Check out Anime Maru on Patreon and support REAL Anime News.</a><br> <a href="">Subscribe to APOSS in iTunes!</a><br> <a href="">Subscribe in your podcatcher of choice via our RSS feed!</a><br>