E3, Toonami, and Why We’re Not Sold on Cyberpunk 2077 – Anime Podcast of Some Sort

Anime Podcast of Some Sort show

Summary: Lots of news to cover on the newest Anime Podcast of Some Sort.<br> We actually liked a whole lot from E3 2018, but there was only one thing that Jack &amp; David weren’t entirely sold on, which is obviously in the title.<br> Also, Pop Team Epic is premiering on Toonami. We talk about why that works, and why it’s good.<br> All this, and Teekyu the anime Jack watched for laughs, and Rose of Versailles the anime David watched to impress a girl.<br> Shout-out to<a href="http://instagram.com/constant_cosplay"> Constant Cosplay</a> for fostering the conversation on the play.<br>