Anime Podcast of Some Sort: Summer 2018 Anime Season Early Look, and Financial Responsibility

Anime Podcast of Some Sort show

Summary: Jack and David take a look at the upcoming Summer Anime Season. Will Jack actually find something current that he likes? What is the out-of-comfort-zone special that D.j.m. has picked that has him gritting his teeth while recording a podcast?<br> Plus, Jack makes the case for the Playstation Vita (again).<br> Later, #OldManDjm reminds everyone that sometimes, when you’re an adult and you have to do adulating, you have to cancel your streaming services and reorganize your finances, BUT THAT DOESN’T MEAN YOU SHOULD PIRATE.<br> Because services like <a href="">Verizon’s Go90 will die.</a><br> All this, and the hype for Mario Tennis. Welcome to APOSS.<br>