EP 158 - What You MUST Know About Injuries As An Athlete

Athlete Maestro | The Ultimate Podcast For Young Athletes | Sports Education | Sport Psychology | Mental Toughness | Athlete Development | Mental Training with Tola Ogunlewe show

Summary: Every athlete gets injured. You've been injured, I've been injured. We won't be the first and we won't be the last. The interesting part is some recover and some don't. Do you remember what it was like before your first injury? How fearless you were? Running into tackles, dribbling with reckless abandon and feeling invincible. All that changed the minute you got injured. You began to doubt yourself. You saw others competing while you couldn't. You lacked motivation because everything you touched turned to pain. You second guessed every decision from then on. We have all been there but not all of us have recovered. Not all of us will recover. I don't want that to be your story. I want to help you. And together we can make this happen. In this series i want to teach you everything you need to know about injuries. Why it's important, how to avoid them and most importantly how to recover from them. Athletes pay thousands to get this knowledge. In this episode i introduce you to why injuries are critical and why you must be mentally aware. In the coming weeks we go into deeper details and help change your life for good. If this is something you are interested in, send me a YES to tola@athletemaestro.com. I read every mail. I don't want to waste time on a topic you have no interest in. Lets get started. PS: Have you downloaded our FREE EBOOK on the 5 Biggest Mistakes Athletes Make. Head over to www.athletemaestro.com/mistakes. If you avoid the mistakes then your journey just got easier.