EP 167 - BONUS - What No One Told You About Injuries In Sports

Athlete Maestro | The Ultimate Podcast For Young Athletes | Sports Education | Sport Psychology | Mental Toughness | Athlete Development | Mental Training with Tola Ogunlewe show

Summary: In this episode i share with you a few things nobody tells you when you get injured but which are critically important in your journey in sports. We talk about pain and why its not always bad news. We also talk about loneliness and why you never see it coming when you get injured. Click play PS: If you're interested in a course that further breaks down all the steps you need to go through to understand, prevent and recover from injuries, head over to www.athletemaestro.com/injury to signify your interest. Knowing more about injuries means you don't have to worry about anything going wrong and you can focus on fulfilling your potential.