The End (May 12)

Best of House Music show

Summary: Boyz and Girlz, Welcome to the last episode of this podcast, aptly named “The End” :) I started the whole thing almost 5 years ago, in order to share the music I love and I’m deeply grateful to all of you who’ve supported and followed this podcast. Thanks to you, “Best of House Music” has reached Number 1 last month on Podomatic and generates over 200.000 downloads. Thanks! However, to be honest, I’m a bit disappointed by the lack of feedback I get from Podomatic and iTunes users (considering the fact that just broadcasting on Podomatic costs me $80 per month) so, in the next few days, I will pull the plug on both and save the money for more useful stuff :)- In the meantime, feel free to download the episodes you don’t have! Of course, I will keep on doing my stuff and those of you who want to follow me in my next adventures just need to check out and my FB page - See you there :) Nuff said and back to the music: “The End” is actually a double whammy. Tonight I’m posting the whole mix and tomorrow I’ll post “Part 1: Before” and “Part 2: After”. As you might have guessed, “Part 1” is a totally uplifting vocal business which even features Justin Bieber (lol). Hint: it’s one of my favourite tracks! This “Before” should put a big smile on your faces, I hope! “Part 2” is just a bit more intense with a couple unreleased gems and cutting edge sounds… Equally uplifting though. I guess that’s it. Thanks again for bearing with me, hope to see you soon in the new stage of “Best of House Music”. Luv cx