4109 Replacing Democracy - Call In Show - May 30th, 2018

Freedomain with Stefan Molyneux show

Summary: Question 1: [2:42] – “Over the years in my short lifetime, I have begun to see the truth in how the bigger a government gets, the more injustice and oppression occurs. I have put a lot of thought into ways in which we can decentralize national/federal governments and one of the solutions I keep coming back to is a form of direct democracy that uses our current IT technology in place of the ancient Greek forums to replace the executive branches of government. Bureaucratic institutions would obviously still need qualified individuals heading them, so for them I would propose breaking them down into 'crown corporations' that act independently with elected officials at the helm. What are your thoughts on a system like this?”<br><br>Question 2: [32:10] – “I'm aware of the current situation of the world &amp; the West in particular. Does peaceful parenting prepare children for a future that could very well be conflict ridden? I have some awareness of history and war, those involved were not raised with peaceful parenting, win or lose. I have read The Origins of War in Child Abuse by Lloyd DeMause and learned how a brutal upbringing can create an aggressive society. Could this potentially be an unfortunate advantage during wartime or times of widespread violence? The West has become weak &amp; decadent, will peaceful parenting further worsen its prospect and make future generations less able to cope and excel during violent times? I see the value in peaceful parenting when the future is more predictably peaceful, but those raised with aggression may be more capable of handling violent trauma than those raised with peaceful parenting in violent times. Can children raised with peaceful parenting be readied for intense violence &amp; conflict effectively?”<br><br>Question 3: [1:00:16] – “Is authoritarianism somewhat of an inevitability? Authoritarianism is defined as ‘the enforcement or advocacy of strict obedience to authority at the expense of personal freedom.’ This does not explicitly state that said authority does not have to derive from the government. Certain dictates can be passed down and upheld through religion or culture in general or through other means. Even if we have a stateless society or a minarchist society at the very least, won't authoritarianism only manifest itself in other ways?”<br><br>Question 4: [1:14:09] – “I am a 43-year-old married mother of a teenage girl on year away from high school graduation. I spent a majority of my life in a victim mentality which was lived out through complacency, harmful coping strategies and underachieving. I feel that I stuck in a pattern I cannot easily break bur desperately want to do so for my daughter’s sake. I fight the feeling that it’s too little to late. What your advice for affecting positive change later in life with older children. Is it even possible to make a difference so late in her teenage years?”<br><br>Question 5: [2:15:13] – “I have recently departed a career with a very high salary as a result of the industries chosen direction to diversify their staff. As a byproduct, everything that I had built over my career had been dismantled and replaced with a newer liberal friendly culture in less than 5 years with the end result of me being pushed out and my team collapsing. Now I'm questioning the entire structure of the corporate world but more specifically; how can someone compete in this new business culture where women and "minorities" are given preferential treatment? It seems as though the corporate space is filled with incompetent leaders and workers that are incapable of doing the job that they were hired for. Leaving the majority of work on the plate of those that are competent and then punishing them for not meeting unrealistic expectations. Additionally, these workers can't be trained and drag the business further down, taking away any competitive edge that the business units originally had. Perhaps more importantly, is it more advantageous to civilization to have diversity over efficiency in business?”<br><br>Your support is essential to Freedomain Radio, which is 100% funded by viewers like you. Please support the show by making a one time donation or signing up for a monthly recurring donation at: http://www.freedomainradio.com/donate