4107 Post Fact Indoctrination - Call In Show - May 23rd, 2018

Freedomain with Stefan Molyneux show

Summary: Stefan Molyneux and Lauren Southern are coming to Australia in July 2018 with events in Melbourne, Perth, Adelaide, Sydney and Brisbane. Tickets are available now: https://axiomatic.events<br><br>Question 1: [2:47] – “I'm a 27-year-old former banker/trader who has returned recently to University to undertake a PhD. I've been shocked at the change I have seen in only the last 5 or so years since I graduated, and it has made me seriously question the direction of the UK university system. Debate now is entirely group and identity based, even in debate hustings facts are secondary and arguments are subject entirely to identity politics. I recently attended my first ever competition at the ripe old age of 27 and had (what I believed to be uncontroversial arguments based on fact) cast as colonialist and borderline white supremacist. My question for Stefan is how do I navigate this new post-fact campus; I need to survive here for another 4 years do I just grit my teeth and pretend I see nothing?”<br><br>Question 2: [44:33] – “I was raised Christian and I have faith that God exists (even though using that word is wrong). I've listened to as many conversations about God you've had as I can find, as well as reading your books on the subject. I fervently seek the truth and pride myself in putting logic and reason first. This puts me into a state of inner conflict pertaining to my faith. I honestly do think it is possible that because I was raised believing in God, I am unable to let go of a belief that has shaped so much of my life. Yet, even though I will admit that as a possibility, I do not think that is what it is, or at least not all of it. That leads me to a question I want to ask you. You’ve said that if one makes the argument that God doesn’t need to be created, that you can then say the same thing about the universe. Also, you say that complexity has to be proceeded by lesser complexity. Do you see any conflict between these two thoughts? From the understanding I have of science, the universe can't be infinite. I think a critical analysis of our universe puts you face to face with having to contend with that which isn't empirical and that which doesn't conform with our understanding of science and reality. Or is this a sort of confirmation bias observation of reality, a sort of "God of the gaps" argument that I've come up with? I'm interested to discuss this with you and to hear your thoughts.”<br><br>Question 3: [1:35:51] – “I'm writing in because of a recent podcast I listened to involving changes to the story of the Florida School Shooting. Stefan discussed some topics I'm intimately familiar with due to my profession. I am a special education teacher working in an alternative program for students who've been expelled from their regular schools. I'm certain that my school is very similar to the one Nikolas attended for a short time before his shooting rampage. I would like to share some of the outrageous things I've seen happening in public education and the special education world as a whole. There are a lot of cases very similar to Nikolas Cruz and I think many of these, students are ticking time bombs and it's only a matter of time before we see more instances of mass violence. Due to federal laws, students can basically get away with anything. We've had students attack teachers, bring knives and even guns to school, sell drugs on school property, and much more. They have little to no lasting consequences. This is especially true if they have an Individual Education Plan. It's only a matter of time before another case like Nikolas Cruz happens again.”<br><br>Your support is essential to Freedomain Radio, which is 100% funded by viewers like you. Please support the show by making a one time donation or signing up for a monthly recurring donation at: http://www.freedomainradio.com/donate