14118 PARMA Recordings - PRISMA Contemporary Works for Orchestra

Classical Music Discoveries  show

Summary: Navona Records is proud to present PRISMA, a compilation featuring four contemporary composers from the United States and England including Lionel Sainsbury, Clive Muncaster, Patricia Julien, and J. A. Kawarsky. PRISMA spans the spectrum of unique styles of composition, from the grandiose and triumphant to the fragile and tender. This compilation captures a journey through colorful orchestral elements in a singular listening experience that builds into a thrilling sound. Order CD at: http://www.classicalsavings.com/store/p567/Prisma_-_Contemporary_Works_for_Orchestra_%28CD%29.html Purchase Digital Download at: http://www.classicalsavings.com/store/p568/Prisma_-_Contemporary_Works_for_Orchestra_%28Digital_Download%29.html