Classic Set: Pines Party 2011 - Full show

JOE GAUTHREAUX Official Podcast show

Summary: Hey guys, Something you probably know about me by now is that I'm not really big into "looking back." I love making memories with friends, and all the traveling and music along the way hold a special place in my heart, but I'm the kind of person who generally likes to let things live where they live. It's why I want to write my own songs and make something new to put out into the world. It's also why I don't really think about anything I've done creatively in the past, no matter what my feelings are about it, good or otherwise. I'm usually focused on what I'm doing at the moment, and how that can go into the world in the best way. But there is one event I played that to this day stays with me, and I find myself thinking about it from time to time - Pines Party 2011 on Fire Island. As a DJ, you have certain dreams and goals, and this was definitely one of them. I didn't lobby for this party - one day, Josh Wood (who produced the party at the time) called me up out of the blue and asked if I'd like to play it. I think I was at the supermarket at the time because I can clearly remember having some kind of moment in the produce section at Trader Joe's. I also remember being really happy with the music I was playing at the time of this event - I had just remixed "Someone Like You" by Adele with Brian Cua and it was one of the first remixes I was really happy with and that other DJs were playing. While there are a few tracks in this set that I wish I hadn't played, generally speaking this night holds up. Listening to it again after so many years, I can still remember the moments the crowd exploded to certain tracks, or when the the sun started to come up over the Atlantic (it was during "Blue Savannah," btw). This night was magical. So here it is. My ALMOST full set from Pines Party 2011 (sorry, but I think the first couple of tracks are missing - I can't remember why but I know I didn't start with the first track on here.) Thanks to everyone who made this night so special and continue to support me to this day. Pines Party is still one of the best circuit events produced and I'm forever grateful to them for this night. Love, Joe PHOTO CREDIT: Vito Fun