Lum and Abner – Old Traffic Ordinances. 440815

Retro Radio Podcast show

Summary: In the jailhouse, grandpap tells Abner that BJ Webster may be leaving town soon. It seems the contractor has a buyer to snap up grandpap’s farm to develop it into the health resort. It still leaves grandpap penniless, and no place to live. As Abner tries to cheer his old friend, they comment on that varmint,, Lum. Is he trying to law suit them? <br> When Lum enters, he hints at a big law suit, but he needs Abner to arrest Mr Webster. What’s the charge? Abner is worried this has something to do with Lum’s trying to buy the old Dillard place. In a 40 year old law book, Lum discovered a law requiring a driver at night to have someone walk in front of the car to wave a lantern. All the time BJ has been tooling around in his chauffeur driven limousine. <br> The arrest makes grandpap happy, but it adds a new worry for Abner. Will the powerful, silver tongued man be able to talk Abner out of it? Throwing his weight around over the telephone, an appointment is made to perform the legalities. <br>