Frank Merrywell – The Ransomed Footbal. 481002

Retro Radio Podcast show

Summary: It’s the morning of the big game with Rutgers. As Frank, Bart, and Insa look at the trophy case, a young fan is thrilled to meet a football hero.. even if the kid will be cheering for the other team. Andy takes our heroes on a tour of the campus. Time for the kickoff, and Andy joins Insa to cheer in the stands. Rutgers is playing tough in the first half. Is there a problem with the game ball? <br> It comes down to seconds on the clock, and one touchdown to win. Yale pulls it off, but the problem with the game ball is that it was a trophy ball from a win the previous week for Rutgers. A mystery shows itself when the winning kick for the extra point caused the ball to disappear. <br> An angry crowd mobs outside the Yale locker room,, demanding the ball back. How can Frank oblige if he doesn’t know where it went? Frank promises to deliver on the ball, but does he know how to locate it? Was the ball stolen to embarrass Frank? <br>