Ozzie and Harriet – Lodge of Unicorns. ep42, 450916

Retro Radio Podcast show

Summary: At the dinner table, kids make their typical complaints over their vegetables, then Ozzie hits the family with his intent to join yet another lodge. Comments, jokes, and puns fly over the topic of the mythical beasts the lodge uses as their mascots. Harriet is only worried at the kind of initiation ceremony he may have to go through. Gloria the maid enters to get in on the fun and confusion over the service club. Does she belong to any kind of clubs? A lonely hearts club, maybe? <br> On the way, Ozzie meets neighbor girl, Emmy Lou. What does the starry eyed youngster think of the rugged Ozzie, and his effort in joining the club? Later, we join the solemn ceremony, and the ordeal Ozzie faces. Nothing too physical, or exerting, he has to be agreeable to everything for the next 24 hours. <br> The King Sisters sing, Just for You. <br> All Ozzie has to do at this point is to remain friendly, and agreeable until 5PM. But his responses serve to confuse Harriet. Is it hot, or cold today? Should David play football, or not? Who knew being a yes man would be so hard? Harriet seems to have zeroed in on Ozzie’s situation, and gets him to eat plenty of oatmeal, which he hates, and to let her shop for that mink coat, while he mows the lawn. meanwhile, neighbor, Harry, gets a laugh out of watching Ozzie do the yard work. <br> After the day of manual labor, the doorbell rings and finds Rosita Hacienda, but can she really be a girl that Ozzie was out with last night? The 5 O’Clock whistle blows, and Ozzie finds out that Harriet somehow learned his secret. But who leaked it to her? <br>