Let’s Pretend – The Brave Little Tailor. 470712.

Retro Radio Podcast show

Summary: To travel to storyland today, let’s ride on an old fashioned, horse drawn ice cream wagon. After a brief sponsor message, the story begins. <br> In the neat and tidy workshop, the Brave Little Taylor works as his little mother watches. She wants him to have more in life, to have adventure. Inspired after killing 7 flies thatt bother him, he Makes a banner to wear that claims, “Seven in One Blow,” and sets out to make his mark in the world. <br> He just lets the banner speak for itself, and lets people make of it what they will. Gossip spreads, and his deeds are amplified until word reaches the king. <br> Everyone in the kking’s court is impressed with Jack Taylor’s accomplishments, all except for a particular knight. A seed of doubt is planted, and the king sets forth a challenge. Can Jac settle the score with the wicked Huns, and their giants? <br> Always using his wits, Jack outsmarts the giants, and taking advantage of their weaknewss, he uses their strenghts against them. Will all the efforts please the king? Even when the truth comes out, will Jack win the hand of the princess?<br> Note: This episode may have aired as early as April 14, 1942 (420414). <br>