My Favorite Husband – Reminescing. 490701.

Retro Radio Podcast show

Summary: A flashback episode that reviews a couple classic moments from earlier in the series. It’s evening and in the living room, Liz is busy doing some scrapbooking. Though George wants to go to the movies, the scrapbooking is the set up to remember the first driving lesson Liz had. <br> Flashback to Liz driving the car, and driving George nuts. After getting the controls in the car confused, Liz heads to the license office for her tests. Frank Nelson gets to deal with Liz as he administers the eye exam, written test, and gets her personal information. Will she pass her driving test? <br> Back in the Cooper home, George has his plans for the movies short circuited when more scrapbook moments pop up in the form of the commercial. <br> Liz relives the night when the Attaberry’s come over for dinner, and George keeps telling the same old tired stories. Liz does her best to rescue George, but will he just bore his boss to death? <br> Will George ever make it to his movie tonight? Maybe, but first a flashback to Valentines Day. Liz relives her mushy moments as she expresses her love. Katie has trouble with dropping her valentine off to the butcher, so Liz offers to help. The butcher gets mixed signals, and thinks that Liz is the one with the crush on him though. <br> That’s all the memories for the evening, and Lucille helps out with the closing commercial. Afterward, Lucille shares parting words for the season. <br>