X Minus One – Mr Costello Hero. ep58, 560703

Retro Radio Podcast show

Summary: Strange things have been happening on this trip through space. Mr Costello seems to be at the center of the weirdness. He’s the ships only passenger, and takes a special interest in the ships safety, and procedure for emergency. <br> Costello claims to be a collector of toys, and shows off some recording devices to one of the crew. What’s the trade of the next port? Cargos of exotic furs. At the dock, Costello meets the customs agent, Nola, who greets the friendly passenger. <br> The ship makes its runs, months later returns, and the crew notice the changes. The Brotherhood has taken over. Houses are converted to storage spaces. Its against the rules to walk around unaccompanied, and the warehouses are where people wait in roped off areas. <br> Nola is located, and she shares how the take over crept in. Costello is the big shot who has taken over the security forces. How did he manage it? Is he a danger? <br>