Box 13 – House Of Darkness. 490703.

Retro Radio Podcast show

Summary: A blind man finds a disturbing message, and when a friend read Dan Holiday’s ad in the paper, it’s the beginning of a new adventure. The investigation begins by checking at the front desk to see who the last people were who checked out the braille book. Dan takes his blind client along, and describes the events that unfold for him. The trail leads to a doctor who seems to have something to hide. <br> Bluffing his way through, Dan returns to the first address he went to, and under the guise of a building inspector, he finds something fishy going on with a locked door in the house. Dan arranges a distraction and hits paydirt. He breaks into the house to find the blind woman who left the note in the library book. She tells a story of her oppressive nephew and being forced to sign a will. Suddenly Dan’s plan falls through, and he’s caught. <br> The nephew is going to take Dan for a ride, if you know what I mean, and it looks like it’s going to be curtains for him. Then the blind man comes to the rescue. How can a blind guy get Dan out of this jam? Listen to find out.<br>