Fibber McGee and Molly – Piano Lessons. 410121

Retro Radio Podcast show

Summary: Inspired by a piano concert, the McGee’s visit a music store. Fibber arranges for piano lessons. Gale Gordon is the store owner. Old Timer tells about former occupations, relatives, and his musical abilities. Not to be out done, Long Underwear McGee brags on himself. Billy Mills plays. <br> As Fibber practices, Mrs. Uppington visits. She relates her own piano playing skills, and shows off a little. After Harlow delivers the commercial, and some line flubbing, a piano teacher stops in for a lesson. The Kingsmen sing, Old Rocking Chair. <br> Fibber’s persistent practicing draws Gildersleeve over to complain about the noise. Fibber realizes that he needs to make a back payment on his piano, and phones the store, only to chat with Myrt. Tragedy strikes when the finance company sends a couple repo men to take the piano away. It’ll take more than a missing piano to stop the determined Fibber McGee. <br> Trivia Alert: It was actually Molly who was the talented pianist of the family. It was her ability at the piano that won her the lion-share of their income in their early days on the radio. <br>