127: The Ultimate History Lesson

School Sucks: Higher Education For Self-Liberation show

Summary: Today Richard Grove from TragedyandHope.com joins me to discuss his recent film, The Ultimate History Lesson - A Weekend With John Taylor Gatto. From theultimatehistorylesson.com: The Ultimate History Lesson is a 5-hour course, illustrating the cause and effect relationship of how Americans became incoherent, and thus how the American dream has was usurped by an international agenda. When John Taylor Gatto resigned from his job, he did so on the Op-Ed page of the Wall Street Journal. At the time, he was NYC and New York State School Teacher of the Year. The Ultimate History Lesson is presented as a five-hour interview session -memorializing Gatto's research, publications and life experiences- which forms an impeccable resource and reference library of the Underground History of American Education. Each hour focuses on examining the evolution of ideas which manifest today in the phenomenon of "public schooling". By dissecting the history and presenting you with the references, you're left at the end of each hour with a copious amount of information from which you can continue your own personal journey of discovery. With more than 200 footnotes and more than 30 book references contained in its entirety, this unique interview provides you with the primary sources, quotes, links, and suggested resources to expedite your own open-source education. Bumper Music: "Gangsters" The Specials Look Closer: The Underground History of American Education, by John Taylor Gatto http://johntaylorgatto.com/underground/ "How to Train Fleas?" / John Taylor Gatto, a sample from The Ultimate History Lesson http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BJhSAv-NrDo A Fabian Socialist Dream Come True http://www.nolanchart.com/article4425-a-fabian-socialist-dream-come-true.html Peace Revolution Podcast http://peacerevolution.podomatic.com/ Peace Revolution episode 037: Justified Sinners / The History of Eugenics in America http://peacerevolution.podomatic.com/entry/2011-08-14T18_46_27-07_00 SOURCED TRANSCRIPT: THE ULTIMATE HISTORY LESSON / A WEEKEND WITH JOHN TAYLOR GATTO http://www.scribd.com/doc/76968236/SOURCED-TRANSCRIPT-The-Ultimate-History-Lesson-A-Weekend-with-John-Taylor-Gatto Amazon Erases Orwell Books From Kindle http://www.nytimes.com/2009/07/18/technology/companies/18amazon.html