128: Live Show #4, Hour 2 - Primary Sources

School Sucks: Higher Education For Self-Liberation show

Summary: Picture: Who's this "we"? This is hour two Gardner Goldsmith's Liberty Conspiracy live show, from March 1st, 2012. The show airs Sunday through Thursday at 10pm EST on the Liberty Radio Network.Gardner and I discuss a variety of school-related topics, after my half-hour introduction about John Dewey, donations/subscription encouragement - through an appeal to emotion (sorry) - and the upcoming SSP website. NOTE: Sorry about the background noise; I'm still working out some kinks with the new set-up. Discussed: -An email from a high school student -The Milgrim Experiment -Collectivism -Sam Blumenfeld's research -John Dewey -Primary Sources -Erica Goldson -Suggestions for students and parents Bumper Music: "If I Ruled the World" Jamie Cullum Look Closer: Stanley Milgram: Obedience to Authority (1974) http://www.panarchy.org/milgram/obedience.html WHO KILLED EXCELLENCE? by Samuel L. Blumenfeld http://richmondacademy.org/WhoKilledExcellence.aspx REVEALING "QUOTES" ON THE GOALS OF PSYCHIATRY AND PSYCHOLOGY http://www.psychquotes.com/ The Early Works, 1882-1898: 1895-1898. Early Essays By John Dewey http://books.google.com/ The Essential Dewey: Pragmatism, education, democracy By John Dewey, Larry Hickman, Thomas M. Alexander http://books.google.com/ Help School Sucks: Become A Monthly Subscriber http://schoolsucks.podomatic.com/ Help School Sucks, Tragedy and Hope and John Taylor Gatto: