180: Kids Hear Tones Through Megaphones

School Sucks: Higher Education For Self-Liberation show

Summary: Presence vs. Urgency Topic: A listener named Tim calls in to discuss his remorse about raising his voice with his young children. This is a segment from the 12-6-12 After School Sucks Special, with an additional non-live monologue. School Sucks is live on the Liberty Radio Network and UStream Thursdays at 10pm EST. Look Closer: Stephanie Mattei of the Consciously Parenting Project interviews Jorge to discuss parenting with an NVC approach http://www.vivenciawork.com/media.html $6.00/Month - Join the A/V Club and Receive Bonus Content We need 150 monthly subscribers! If you listen to the show and enjoy the videos, please consider making a commitment of $6.00 per month, or about $.20 per day. When we launch the new site, you'll have access to a bonus content section that will be updated weekly. Please sign up right here.