SMR#337: Authenticity and Saying No

Sexy Marriage Radio show

Summary: <br> Today we have a couple of calls – one with a great idea to spice up your TV watching and other asking how do you be authentic in your life while struggling to say yes or no to sex with their higher desire spouse. <br> Enjoy the show.<br> __________<br> Sponsor:<br> This episode is sponsored by Man of His Word Mastermind Groups.<br> <a href=""></a><br> __________<br> Got a question?<br> CALL US 214-702-9565<br> Or Email Us at<br> Listen to <a href="">Sexy Marriage Radio</a> below …<br> <br> <br> <br> Get even more help in the Academy<br> Get help for your relationship and sex life from the comfort of your own home.<br> This is an opportunity for YOU to fully experience the fact that “The BEST SEX can happen IN the Marriage Bed!” …<br> <a class="button-purple" href="">Try it Free for 30 days</a><br> <br>