Margot Adler - Sacred Knowledge - Voices of the Sacred Feminine

Sex, Religion, Power and Politics show

Summary: The noted Foremother and Pagan Elder, Margot Adler, author of "Drawing Down the Moon" considered a watershed in American Neopagan circles, as it provided the first comprehensive look at modern nature-based religions in the US. A journalist, lecturer, Wiccan priestess, radio journalist and correspondent for National Public Radio will discuss her work in the world and her insights into what's ahead for Goddess Advocates and Pagans, how things have changed in the last 15 years, the good and bad of the movement going more mainstream, feminist spirituality and closing of feminist bookstores and the passing of Pagan elders. We'll also go off-topic and discuss the spirit of the times, the interest in vampires. What do powerful Bill Compton and Stefan in the Vampire Diaries have in common and the feminist the environmental thrust in the vampire phenomena.