Loreon Vigne & Abigail McBride - Voices of the Sacred Feminine

Sex, Religion, Power and Politics show

Summary: Overarching theme tonight is "Meeting Goddess Half Way - Living a Divinely Guided Life" At the top of the hour, Reverend Loreon Vigne, foundress of the Temple of Isis at Isis Oasis Sanctuary, author of The Goddess Bade Me Do It discusses the synchronicities of her life that have guided her as a Priestess of Isis and to found the legal Goddess centered church in California whose liturgy she playfully refers to as catma. At the bottom of the hour, Abigail McBride, of Vegas Vortex in Nevada will discuss the inspiration for her music and the alchemy and art of doing powerful and moving ritual that includes drumming, dancing and singing around a fire all night long! You won't want to miss how the ritual of the fire circle works and the three stages, four elements and seven stages to ecstasy!