Talkingreef Live - Ep8

Talkingreef show

Summary: Here are a list of items discussed in this weeks Talkingreef Live show * Intro Topic: Metal Halide Lights - - Past related shows - - - - Lighting Part 3 Metal Halide - Podcast Episode 77 - - - - Q & A #9 - Podcast Episode 92 - - - - Metal Halides with Sanjay Joshi - Podcast Episode 94 - - - - MH Life SpanTesting - Podcast Episode 97 - - Pros and Cons - - Using and replacing UV glass on HQI fixtures - - Lighting needs for a 48" x 36" x 10" frag tank - - Lighting needs for a 48" x 18" x 25" Display tank * Breeding Bangi Cardinals * Managing/eliminating flatworms * dim-able Metal Halide lights - - Coravue and Blueline HD * T5 vs VHO - - Tek Fixtures - - Current USA * Feeding a Mandarin Dragonette * How to keep jumping fish from jumping *Fragging a Lobophyllia sp. coral