2-08-2015 Finding Bigfoot's Cliff Barackman

Beyond The Edge Radio  show

Summary: Our next contestant in the search for a new Co-Host Contest is my nephew Joshua Brinker. Josh joins me in welcoming our good friend Cliff Barackman back to BTE Radio for another rousing discussion on our favorite Cryptid, Bigfoot. We'll be talking with Cliff about his 25 year career as a Sasquatch researcher, the show Finding Bigfoot and we'll find out from Cliff what he's been up to. This Sunday night Cliff Barackman returns to BTE Radio. About Cliff Cliff as a PersonCliff was born and raised in Long Beach, California. Throughout his youth, his interests were drawn towards both the physical and biological sciences, as well as to music. These interests later brought him to dabble in a wide variety of sciences in college before later deciding to pursue his degree in Jazz Guitar. Cliff can be heard performing guitar around the Portland area, when he’s not busy in the field. Cliff’s interest in the sciences drove him to a teaching career where he could share his love and appreciation of the natural world with young people, and particpate in the occasional sing along. While Cliff was navigating his life, his growing interest in the bigfoot phenomena drove him to travel to other parts of the country to look into the mystery. By extensively travelling the West Coast, he found himself unsatisfied with living in Southern California and wanting to live closer to bigfoot habitat. After living in various parts of California and Washington State, he eventually settled in Portland, OR where he lives today. Cliff has been a dedicated sasquatch field researcher for the past two decades. Known throughout the Sasquatch scientific community for his extended expeditions, he has been known to spend over 200 days a year in the field. Over the years he has managed to gather data supporting the hypothesis that sasquatches are an undiscovered species of great ape that walks bipedally and lives in North America. Though finding and documenting data is a goal of Cliff’s research, it is not the primary goal. The process of bigfooting is fun! Cliff has appeared in various media outlets over the years in regards to his bigfoot experience. He has written extensively on the subject with his work being featured not only on his own blog, but on other websites as well. He has also been featured in student reports, newspaper articles, video documentaries, and more. In 2007, Cliff was contacted to be on the History Channel’s “Monsterquest.” The episode, entitled “Legend of the Hairy Beast,” featured Cliff and fellow bigfoot researcher, James “Bobo” Fay investigating bigfoot sighting reports on the Klamath River in Northern California. Being the first whites to ever be invited to do bigfoot research on the Yurok Indian Reservation, Cliff and Bobo interviewed Native American elders about their experiences with sasquatches. They hired Indian river guides, and made base camp in a cabin with no access other than by river. They also utilized advanced night vision technology to try to film sasquatches at night from a river jet boat. Being well-respected in the bigfoot community and beyond, Cliff is often called upon for comments about bigfoot evidence and research. He was the featured expert in news items broadcast to the Portland, OR and Seattle, WA media markets in regards to the infamous Georgia Bigfoot Hoax of 2008 where he clearly stated that it was a falsification. He has appeared on many internet radio shows, and was also a featured guest on “Coast to Coast with George Noory.” In Spring, 2010, Cliff was asked to accompany Bob Saget on a bigfoot expedition in Northern Washington State. Bob was filming an episode of his A&E series, Strange Days with Bob Saget, where he would partake in an eccentric subculture’s way of life for a weekend. Bob and Cliff were filmed discussing the various types of recorded sasquatch vocalizations on record, and Bob walked away very impressed with the evidence. As a parting gift, Cliff gave Bob (continued)