Homecoming | Part 1 | Storytellers: From Drag Queen to Son of the King

V1 Church show

Summary: 1. Desire without process will destroy you. Desire without process will take you far away from home. 2. Never mix seasonal people with lifetime expectations. “May the bridges I burn light the way home.” Some people aren’t loyal to you...they’re loyal to their NEED for you...once their need changes, so does their loyalty. Many times, friends can’t support you publicly because of how they’ve spoken about you privately. Why are you afraid to lose people that aren’t even yours’? Stop holding on to people who keep letting you GO. When people are two-faced...just know you can’t trust either one of their faces. 3. While you’re rehearsing your homecoming prayer, God is already preparing the homecoming celebration! 4. You’ll never be able to celebrate your identity while you’re striving for identity.