Episode #32 | Protest

To hell with the hotdish! show

Summary: 2! 4! 6! 8! Rhyming chants are really great! There has been a lot of protesting going on in our country and the guys are giving their take on it this week. From standing to kneeling, they don't cover it all, but they hit a protest you've heard about and one you maybe haven't. Not an easy conversation, but one that leaves us wondering, what would cause you to protest? Rate! Review! Share! Subscribe! Buzzwords: Capri Sun Foley work, Lorne's exaggerations, Kyle's fantasy gaming, THWTH Sesame Street, Dakota Access Pipline, Colin Kaepernick, "IT's HAIRY", Alex is a thinker, Stay at the table, Makin' a stink, Seeking understanding, Holistic peace, Courageous conversations Check out tohellwiththehotdish.com for show notes, to subscribe to the e-mail and more!