What Is Automation? The On-Premise IT Roundtable

Gestalt IT show

Summary: On this episode, we’ll be talking about a hot topic in the networking space, automation. The panel discusses why organizations see automation as prohibitively complex, what exactly they mean by automation, and why it isn’t coming for their jobs.<br> <br> On-Premises for today’s roundtable:<br> <br> <br> Follow us on <a href="https://twitter.com/GestaltIT">Twitter</a>.<br> <a href="http://gestaltit.com/category/gestalt-news">SUBSCRIBE</a> to our newsletter for more great coverage right in your inbox.<br> <br> © rich for <a href="http://gestaltit.com">Gestalt IT</a>, 2017. |<br> <a href="http://gestaltit.com/podcast/rich/automation-premise-roundtable/">What Is Automation? The On-Premise IT Roundtable</a><br> <br><br> Read more posts categorized as <a href="http://gestaltit.com/category/podcast/" rel="category tag">On-Premise IT Podcast</a><br><br>