Ep 169: Tim Daley

The Osher Günsberg Podcast show

Summary: Tim Daley is the head honcho over at CMC, a 24hr Country Music Channel on Foxtel. He grew up in Colorado Springs and eventually made his way to Australia - a tale he will share with you today. Tim was also my first ever producer in television. He was given the task of helping me, a guy who had never been on television - look a little less like I had never been on television. He was the man that indoctrinated me into life in Bondi Beach and became my upstairs neighbour for a few years. I'm grateful to know Tim, and even more grateful that he took time from his very busy work day to schlep all the way out to the beach to come talk with me. There's a long riff at the end of this about where rock 'n roll went. Particularly in light of the Grammys just gone where the most relevant rock act to come on stage was Metallica - a band who's biggest album came out 25 years ago in 1991. I'd be interested to know your thoughts too. Either way, enjoy this chat about how a kid from Colorado Springs to Australia via Public Enemy to become one of the most important names in Country Music.