Ep 182: Dan Ilic

The Osher Günsberg Podcast show

Summary: @danilic is a writer, director, comedian and satirist from Australia who is currently the Executive Producer at Fusion in the US, he's done a heap of work in Australia notably "A Rational Fear" and all his work on the ABC & SBS. He's worked for Al Jazeera in the US as well and is a very smart and funny man in a new world of exciting digital broadcasting. He's a returning guest on the show so we get straight into it, but if you're interested in his background check out the first time he visited my house back in 2013 - we get into it a lot then. Dan and I spoke via Skype while he was in Canada sorting out some Visa issues, which we get in to as we go along - but I have to tell you, the bathrobe he was in looked like the best bathrobe in the world. If you like what you hear make sure you follow him on twitter @danilic and let him know. So come to my office in Bronte that was able to connect via Skype to the other side of the planet with the extraordinarily smart and funny Dan Ilic.