Ep 192 - Brendan McClean

The Osher Günsberg Podcast show

Summary: Brendan Maclean is an Australian singer/songwriter/performer/unicorn who first came on this show about three years ago but suffered at the hands of the great file loss of 2015. He has been kind enough to return and boy do we have a lot to talk about. Brendan's about to have a new EP come out in August 2017 and a new album in the works for early 2018 so a great time to have him on. Find him on twitter and Insta for more @macleanbrendan. This is a conversation for anyone who's let fear hold them back from expressing themselves. And expressing himself is something Brendan does with exceptional ability. His live energy is something to behold - as is his recorded work which you can find at brendanmaclean.Bandcamp.com. A fair amount of this conversation revolves around the music video that Brendan put out in the last few months - the video for the song House Of Air. I must warn you with all the warnings I can warn you with. If you choose to go and watch this video yourself you will see rather graphic depictions of many sex acts between two men. You'll see close up shots of genitals and you'll even see penetration. If you want to see such a thing, it's up to you to watch it - I'm not going to say watch it or don't. But if you do - be aware that you'll see what you think you're going to see when you hire professional gay porn actors to make a film in the style of a visual accompaniment to a written thesis observing the habits and cultures of a subset of gay men. In this conversation you'll hear me watch the video - which you can see at houseofair.info - and I try my best to give benign descriptions of what I'm seeing. But again - only watch this video if you're interested in seeing something that freaked a lot of people out. I thought the video was great, it is so perfect, and really does what it sets out to do - I'm so happy that Brendan is the kind of guy to make this kind of film. I know I certainly am not brave enough to create art like that - and I'm thrilled he was in my house and able to talk about it with me. Having said that, Brendan got really raw about his adventures in the world of art and performing and it's an honour that he chose to share these things with me. I urge you to support Brendan in any way you can - financially or through spreading the word about his work. We're lucky to have him. Let him know you heard him on online - handle is @macleanbrendan Please enjoy this conversation with Brendan Maclean.