Liquid Lunch Podcast - Regina Neal #author #motivationallifecoach

Liquid Lunch Podcast show

Summary: Know what you want- and go for it!<br>Regina Neal comes onto the show to talk about how the impressions we receive when we are younger have a tendency of holding us back throughout the course of our lives. <br>If we can learn to undo all the false precepts that were placed upon us by our peers, our family, the magazines, etc., then we can finally bloom as the brilliant flower that we actually are. All we must do is recognize that the Sun is shining on us, and all we have to do is grow, by stretching ourselves towards the brilliant rays.<br>Regina went through an arduous life struggle, but throughout the journey, she was a very keen observer of people and so she learned a lot about people and how they act and what kind of airs they put on, but yet she could see through the facade and sense the message the body was truly sending out. <br>This kind of experience in people empathy is a rare gift and so we should all be grateful that Regina has decided to share her insights and wisdom with people who are going through rough struggles throughout their life. <br>If you would like to have a session with her, where you can learn to think positively of yourself, check out the website at <a href=""></a><br><br>Host Hildegaard Gmeiner.